Kinesiology Degree Maps


How do I use a Degree Map?


This degree map is meant to provide you with course recommendations from the Political Science department, as well as ideas for how you can structure your class schedule each semester. To earn an Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer, a minimum of 60 transferable semester units of college work is required. This includes general education courses as well as the courses in your major. GE Area course options are available on the College’s General Ed Worksheets and in the College’s catalog under Degree Requirements.


Each course in the Degree Map is color coded by type


  • Degree Requirement (light blue)
  • General Education Area/Course Recommendation (beige)
  • Elective Course (white)

Meet with a Counselor


We strongly recommend you schedule a meeting with a counselor and create a personalized, comprehensive education plan.
If you are a student in CalWORKs, DSPS, EOPS, Pathway Academy, UMOJA, a Veteran etc., you should use the education plan you created with your counselor.

Select a Degree Map


Select a Certificate Map

Health Sciences

Major in Kinesiology, AA-T IGETC Degree Map

Thinking of transferring to a University of California (UC) school or a private university? Start here!

Semester 1: FALL

14 - 14.5 units

Semester 2: SPRING

15 - 15.5 units

Semester 3: FALL

15 - 15.5 units

Semester 4: SPRING

13 units

* also fulfills GE area 2

Health Sciences

Major in Kinesiology, AA-T CSU Breadth Degree Map

Thinking of transferring to a California State University (CSU)? Start here!
CSU GE Sheet

Semester 1: FALL

14 - 14.5 units

Semester 2: SPRING

15 - 15.5 units

Semester 3: FALL

15 - 15.5 units

Semester 4: SPRING

13 units

* also fulfills GE area B4

Health Sciences

Major in Exercise Science, AA Degree Map

Looking to obtain an AA or AS without plans to transfer to a 4-year college? Start here!

Additional General Education Pattern options may be available if your goals include transfer. Connect with a Counselor to develop a personalized education plan.
AA/AS GE Sheet

Semester 1: FALL

14 - 14.5 units

Semester 3: FALL

13 - 13.5 units

Semester 4: SPRING

13 - 14 units
Health Sciences

Obtain a Certificate in Recreational Leadership: School-Based Programs

Use this map if you are planning to obtain a certificate







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